We aim to offer the best and most professional service possible. We know that its important to our clients that we are, and continue to be the best option whenever our services are required. To ensure we keep our standards high we strive to meet the following standards and level of service.
- All our pilots are 100% accident and incident free
- We don’t employ pilots who are time building
- Our pricing structure is fair and professional
- Our pilots fly from light singles to medium sized jets
- We treat your aircraft as if it were our own
- Each job is individually priced
- It may be possible for you to actually fly along subject to ferry tank and weight and balance needs.
- All flights can be tracked by the customer 24/7
- HF radio ferry tanks arranged at cost
- On completion, we provide a fully detailed and accurate trip report
The Factors Below, We Handle And Charge At Cost.
- Pilot dry suit if oceanic crossing
- Mobile radio
- Charts
- Airport directories
- Overnight parking fees
- Landing fees
- Handling charges
- Customs and Immigration fees
- Hotel and ground transportation costs
- Aircraft repair charges if applicable
- Fuel and Oil
- De icing and de icing fluid
- Pre heat if applicable
- Prist fuel additive if applicable
- Ferry Tanking
- HF radio
- Life Raft
What We Need From You
- All relevant and up to date aircraft documents to prove airworthy and current
- All equipment is serviceable or otherwise placarded and signed off as per IFR flight requirement and or minimum equipment list.
- The aircraft is insured as per the requirements of any country over flown to include SAR (search and rescue) premiums as is required in some countries
- Local and international requirements for the movement of the aircraft including export certificate of airworthiness if required etc have been met.
- All relevant databases terrain and nav data up to date.